October 23, 2013

Potato Sandwich Recipe

Okay immediately wrote , whatever it takes to make this food . Prepare the ingredients used , the material is fresh bread , spoon , potato , big spoon of mayonnaise , and other detail you can see below, do not forget to prepare the cooking equipment is also okay .

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Tasty Potato Sandwich

Potato Sandwich Recipe

Potato Sandwich Ingredients :

  •     4 pieces of white bread
  •     1 large tablespoon margarine
  •     2 pieces of potato
  •     1 large tablespoon mayonnaise
  •     3 large scoops of strawberry jam

How to make Potato Sandwich :

First boil the potatoes , then peel the skin , then crush and mix with mayonnaise . Then Bake bread briefly in the frying pan , rub margarine on the back . Continued to rub a piece of bread with potatoes that have been destroyed , and a dab of strawberry jam on the other bread . Furthermore unite bread that has been spread with each of the pieces . Had lived served .

So easy not to make potato sandwich ? This is also especially good for merchandise materials rarely sell sandwiches for breakfast , my home if no one is selling , at least there coffè fried , do not forget read other recipes

Good luck

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